Assessment practices of speech-language pathologists for cognitive communication disorders following traumatic brain injury in adults: an international survey
- Creator: Frith, Matthew , Togher, Leanne , Ferguson, Alison , Levick, Wayne , Docking, Kimberley
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Development of the basketball exercise simulation test: a match-specific basketball fitness test
- Creator: Scanlan, Aaron T. , Dascombe, Ben J. , Reaburn, Peter R. J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Electronic practical skills assessments in the health professions: a review
- Creator: Snodgrass, Suzanne J. , Ashby, Samantha E. , Onyango, Laura , Russell, Trevor , Rivett, Darren A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
The infant monitor of vocal production: simple beginnings
- Creator: Cantle Moore, Robyn
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
A conceptual model for reflecting on expected learning vs. demonstrated student performance
- Creator: Gluga, Richard , Kay, Judy , Lister, Raymond , Simon , Charleston, Michael , Harland, James , Teague, Donna
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2013
Assessing natural and anthropogenic variability in wetland structure for two hydrogeomorphic riverine wetland subclasses
- Creator: Dvorett, Daniel , Bidwell, Joseph , Davis, Craig , DuBois, Chris
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Assessment of programming: pedagogical foundations of exams
- Creator: Sheard, Judy , Simon, , Carbone, Angela , D'Souza, Daryl , Hamilton, Margaret
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2013
Group-work: does it have to be that bad?
- Creator: Williams, A. , Henry, L. , Tucker, R. , Abassi, N.
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2013
How difficult are exams? A framework for assessing the complexity of introductory programming exams
- Creator: Sheard, Judy , Simon, , Teague, Donna , Carbone, Angela , Chinn, Donald , Clear, Tony , Corney, Malcolm , D'Souza, Daryl , Fenwick, Joel , Harland, James , Laakso, Mikko-Jussi
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2013
Intra-abdominal hypertension and the abdominal compartment syndrome: updated consensus definitions and clinical practice guidelines from the World Society of the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
- Creator: Kirkpatrick, Andrew W. , Roberts, Derek J. , Sugrue, Michael , Cheatham, Michael , Ivatury, Rao , Ball, Chad G. , Blaser, Annika Reintam , Regli, Adrian , Balogh, Zsolt J. , D'Amours, Scott , Debergh, Dieter , Kaplan, Mark , De Waele, Jan , Kimball, Edward , Olvera, Claudia , Jaeschke, Roman , Malbrain, Manu L. N. G. , De Keulenaer, Bart , Duchesne, Juan , Bjorck, Martin , Leppaniemi, Ari , Ejike, Janeth C.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Mastering cognitive development theory in computer science education
- Creator: Gluga, Richard , Kay, Judy , Lister, Raymond , Simon , Kleitman, Sabina
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
The eOSCE: advancing technology to improve students' learning and assessment reliability
- Creator: Snodgrass, Suzanne J. , Russell, Trevor , Rivett, Darren , Ashby, Samantha , McLachlan, Lynette , Studdert, Catherine
- Resource Type: report
- Date: 2013
The mental health needs of very young children in ‘Out Of Home Care’: a profile from the gumnut clinic in Western Sydney
- Creator: Tucker, Romina Alexandra
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2013
Transitions and shifting understandings of writing: building rich pictures of how moving from school to university is experienced through exploration of students' discourses of writing
- Creator: Baker, Sally
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Understanding the building certification system: a need for accreditation reform
- Creator: Maund, K. , Sher, W. , Smolders, J. , Naughton, R.
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2013
When does change begin following screening and brief intervention among depressed problem drinkers?
- Creator: Baker, Amanda L. , Kay-Lambkin, Francis J. , Gilligan, Conor , Kavanagh, David J. , Baker, Fran , Lewin, Terry J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Academic integrity policies in a computing education context
- Creator: Riedesel, Charles P. , Cross, Gerry W. , Simon, , Clear, Alison L. , Hughes, Janet M. , Walker, Henry M.
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2012
Assessing creativity: academic and student perceptions
- Creator: Askland, Hedda Haugen , Ostwald, Michael J.
- Resource Type: book chapter
- Date: 2012
Can computing academics assess the difficulty of programming examination questions?
- Creator: Simon, , Sheard, Judy , Carbone, Angela , D'Souza, Daryl , Harland, James , Laakso, Mikko-Jussi
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2012
Data systems for assessing quality of cancer care: are building blocks in place for person-centered care?
- Creator: Carey, Mariko , Paul, Christine , Sanson-Fisher, Robert , Buchan, Heather
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012